The Ultimate Hub for AEC Professionals
Elevate Your Hiring Experience on AECO Space
Find top-notch talent in architecture, engineering and design.

Unlimited number of job ads:
Full year of unlimited job postings

Reach 20K+ AEC Talents:
Multi-channel reach: Platform, email markeing and social media

Premium networking hub:
Superior features, full functionality, zero hidden costs
A space exclusively dedicated to architecture, design and engineering.
With AECO Space, recruiters bid farewell to the constraints of paying per job ad.

In traditional job sites, recruiters often grapple with a significant hurdle: paying per job ad.
By the time the ideal candidate is found, the ad often expires, necessitating an additional cost for continued visibility.
We understand the inefficiencies of traditional job sites.
Through its subscription model, our platform empowers recruiters with the freedom to post and manage unlimited job ads without expiry dates.
Post Unlimited job, project and event ads
Unlike most job platforms, an annual subscription for AECO Space gives you an unlimited number of ads.
Find all AEC professionals in one place
We are building a truly global platform with free access to all AEC professionals.
Craft a compelling Employer Brand
Maximize your hiring potential and elevate your visibility with a custom company profile page.
Elevate Your Hiring Experience!

Join AECO Space, redefine how you connect with top-notch talent and showcase your business to the world.
Access unlimited job postings, ensuring every opportunity to discover the right talent is maximized without incremental costs.
Who is AECO Space for?
Manage your recruitment process with ease
Publish unlimited job postings
Effortlessly showcase your company's job openings on the AECO Space Platform. Seamlessly manage and organize your ads, ensuring maximum exposure to thousands of AEC professionals.
Easily duplicate and edit job postings
Craft, refine, and duplicate job listings hassle-free.
Manage candidate applications
Monitor applications, review applicants' profiles, shortlist selected candidates in the Platform. Contact candidates directly from the Platform.

Run Custom Searches in a Talent Database
Browse a comprehensive database
Access a comprehensive database housing the entire spectrum of AEC professionals, all in one centralized platform.
Search Talents with precision
Utilize diverse search criteria to pinpoint the perfect professional match for your projects' unique requirements.
Tap into advanced functionalities
Make informed decisions with a suite of powerful tools. Sort, bookmark, and communicate seamlessly with the professionals that align best with your needs.
Make your company shine
Let your business stand out
Craft a compelling Company Profile that highlights crucial details about your offerings, services, and value proposition. Use this landing page on the Platform to connect with various audiences: from potential business partners, to employees and media.
Use your profile page for Employer Branding
Provide key insights about your Values and Culture, share images about life in your company and attract top-tier talent. Enjoy the spotlight with a beautifully designed profile page that showcases your company's essence.

Reach 20K+ talents in architecture, design and engineering. It's easy as 1-2-3.
1. Purchase an annual subscription at 95 EURO
Go to our checkout page and complete the steps there.
2. Create a user account and a company profile
Become visible on the Platform with a compeling Company Profile.
3. Start posting your ads on AECO Space
Maximize your hiring and business development potential and elevate your company's visibility.
Join the Global Space for AEC Professionals
What you'll get:

Set the foundation with all your team needs
Create extended Talent Profile
Present projects in Talent profile
Upload Talent's CV, Motivational Letter or Portfolio - up to 5MB
Bookmark Talents
Create Company Profile Page with Logo, Cover Image and List of Projects
Search companies
Browse portfolios
Manage Candidates
Contact Candidates
Shortlist Candidates
Save candidates
Extensive job description
Talent directory search
Bookmark Companies
Bookmark Courses and Events
Bookmark Jobs
€1350 / year
Everything in Free plus:
Unlimited number of posted job offers
Reach 20 000+ AEC Talents
Extensive job/ project/ course/ event description for up to 360 days
Unlimited number of posted projects
Unlimited number of posted courses
Unlimited number of posted events
List the job/ project/ event/ course on the feed
Announce Post on social media
Announce Post in e-newsletter
Announce Post on the website
1x Company Profile
Present Company on social media
Present Company in e-newsletter
Present Company on the website
€9950 / year
Everything in Pro plus:
Unlimited number of Companies' Profiles
Unlimited number of Company's Offices
Dedicated Account Manager