How to post a Job or a Project on AECO Space
On AECO Space you can post JOBS of any kind: full-time, part-time jobs, freelance projects, or calls for subcontractors. As a company, you can also get creative and post and ad about your availability for new clients and projects.
Follow the steps below to learn how to use the Job Ad feature.
1. Login to the AECO Space Job Board
Go to and sign in with your profile. If you don't have a profile yet, you can easily create one through the Register link.
2. You will be automatically redirected to your home page dashboard.
3. Click on Post a Job on the right side of the screen.
4. You can select the PERMANENT JOB option which comprises full-time and part-time jobs. Use the FREELANCE PROJECT for every other job or project you want to advertise: recruiting freelance experts, subcontractor-companies, or you can even advertise your own services here.
If you choose the Freelance Project option to advertise your services, make sure that this is clearly described in the Job Title and Job Description fields.
5. If you are actively recruiting for an open position at your company, let's go ahead and create a Permanent Job.
6. Add details in all mandatory description fields marked with an asterisk. You'll find instructions in each field about the type of information that goes there.
We've made it easy on you by including including all major fields that go into a standard Job Ad.