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3D Warehouse

Access millions of free models

Explore a vast 3D library

Need a chair, fern, or unique material? Join the 31 million users each year who find, upload and share almost anything in the world’s most popular free 3D model library - 3D warehouse.

Access millions of free models using 3D Warehouse

Instantly add entourage and context to your project with free models from 3D Warehouse, the world’s largest and most popular 3D library.


Millions of models at your fingertips

3D Warehouse is fully integrated with SketchUp. Move at a swift pace by importing models  directly into a project from within the app.


Share your work with the world

We know you’re proud of what you create in SketchUp… you should be. Don’t keep that to yourself! Share your models with the community and inspire others.


Find any model you can imagine

Need the perfect couch to provide context to your project? Download someone else’s model, add it to your project, and keep cruisin’.


Promote your products

Have a product that an architect, interior designer, or woodworker might buy? 3D Warehouse has millions of relevant users. Increase sales and brand awareness by putting your product in front of the eyes of your customers.

Custom title blocks

Browse hundreds of manufacturer catalogs of real-world products, and download them directly into your model for a professional finish.


Discover anything

Need to furnish an interior or street scene? Don’t model everything yourself! Discover
pre-built models of virtually anything, ready for import.


Advanced search

We’ve enhanced our search so it’s way easier to find exactly what you’re looking for in a vast warehouse of models.


Real, tangible products

Create a realistic view of the project for your clients when you outfit your model with products that can actually be purchased.



3DWH bad

Introduction to 3D Warehouse - webinar

Watch the video and find out how to browse thousands of real-world products from recognised brands. Specify ready-to-buy appliances, furniture, floor coverings, and
building materials.

TOP RECOMMENDATIONS from top experts

Ivan Borov

Interior Designer | 3Dea Design Studio

SketchUp is my “Swiss army knife” for Design. In our studio, we use it every day. It simplifies work-flow in many ways. We use it for plot & survey, design ideas, concept sketches, mock-ups, etc. I’m using a licensed product because I really respect the work of the SketchUp team, besides – you have great customer support.

Stoyan Nachev

Landscape Architect | Viridis Landscape Architects

In our practice, we use SketchUp on daily basis. It allows us to execute our ideas with great quality and speed. Thanks to LayOut we create documentation, based directly on the 3D model. Furthermore, V-Ray for SketchUp is an amazing addition when we need photorealistic renderings.

Teodor Rachev

Interior Designer | Creative Industries Academy

Simple, efficient, powerful, and with no quality compromises. SketchUp is the ultimate creative machine. It gives you the opportunity not only to be as precise as you need to be in your architecture work but also can help you unleash your creativity. I believe there is no faster and funnier way to visualize ANYTHING.

Buy SketchUp
Try SketchUp

3D Warehouse in Practice

Read how 3D Warehouse helps architects, designers and construction engineers model faster their ideas and projects.

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