
5 Steps to a more productive workflow with ESCREO

Part of ESCREO's mission is to help businesses operate more efficiently. In the online book, you will find universal solutions and some ESCREO added value.


I wake up and, before the coffee kicks in, I am already scrolling in my mind all the things that need to be done. The important ones, the urgent ones, and all those that go into the not-a-matter-of-life-and-death list. My cortisol levels rise and I am alert, ready to face the challenges of the day. My brain doesn’t need that coffee to function, for it is already speeding down the road of productivity lane. But I have one anyway. Call it morning routine, call it gustatory satisfaction. I have it long with milk. 

I wake up and before that coffee kicks in I have already mind-mapped the most efficient way to approach the duties of the day. Sometimes I wish I could glimpse at how the people I work with think. Do their brains function the way mine does? How do they approach productivity? I wonder because I care both about those people and about ESCREO—the company I co-founded 4 years ago.

ESCREO Clear Whiteboard Paint

Proactive as I am, I did something about it, rather than wonder.

Instead of fussing around Christmas gifts and resolutions’ lists, my team and I embarked on the task to create another type of agenda—one that aims to help busy professionals. It is, in fact, just a bonus to the essential—ESCREO’s new e-book “5 Steps to a More Productive Workflow”, which is a short, clear and fun guide to an optimal workflow designed for professionals with a vision.

And what is common between visionaries like Elon Musk, Arianna Huffington and Warren Buffett, besides success


The answer is that they read, and they read a lot. Some read a book a week, others read 500 pages a day. Yet, in this fast passed business environment, how realistic is it for any manager to spend enough time and catch up with the big names in the business?

The market is saturated with books that explain how to optimize the workflow. The overwhelming choice and need for a hygienic filter of information require the most precious of all – our time. We thought about it and extracted the essence of all the information out there, by proposing 5 easy and proven steps that lead to a more productive workflow. In the new online book, you will find universal solutions and their ESCREO value-added proposition.

👨‍🎓It will inform you:
According to a study conducted by the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAVO), workplace chaos is directly linked to financial loss.”
😀 It will make you smile:
Unless your employees are Buddhist monks undercover, chances are they will have a hard time to concentrate with all the noise.”
🌴 And it will make life easier for you:

You’ve picked up the phone and hired a trusted interior designer. You’ve chosen from a palette of colours and are all set to refurbish, but something is bothering you. You want a colourful, yet functional wall and whiteboards are out of the question. ESCREO Clear Whiteboard Paint is the solution you seek, as it preserves the original colour of the surface, while transforming it into a writing canvas.

The “5 Steps to a More Productive Workflow” eBook will reveal secrets like:

-How prioritizing increase productivity?
-Why is it important to remember the company’s vision and how to make the -most out of it?
-How does the office interior affect productivity?
-How to keep that precious focus when it’s noisy?
-What makes a tidy workspace so much more than a nice Instagram background?


Part of ESCREO’s mission is to help businesses operate more efficiently. In the dynamics of the modern business, coordinating a team and keeping up the fire of productivity is a challenge. Intelligent leaders know to to make the most out of all the tools that help communication flow. ESCREO offers such tools. Much more than that, we are committed to exploring the heart of the problem, so we could provide holistic solutions.

We live in a society ruled by an unwritten law: one is more, when one does more; the busier one is, the more important and successful.” Yet, to what extent is more synonymous with productivity and a prerequisite for success? Are we busy with being busy (mostly with insignificant tasks), or are we engaged in productive activities?

The alarm rings. It’s Monday… or Thursday. It doesn’t matter. Maybe, you need a coffee first. Take your time and prepare, before you embark on the mission to lead your business.

Where to?

The direction is success, of course, but how do you accelerate your business there?

Start by downloading the new ESCREO eBook “5 Steps to a More Productive Workflow”.

Author: Elena Nikolova | ESCREO
Find the Bulgarian source HERE

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