
What’s Behind Update 1 in V-Ray for SketchUp?

In this article, we will take a look at the major new features in the first update of V-Ray Next for SketchUp, including tips and tricks.


People who have been using V-Ray for SketchUp for a while are familiar with V-Ray’s update policy. With every major release, there come a few new service packs filled with new features. In previous releases, those were called exactly that – service packs. With V-Ray’s latest major release – V-Ray Next – the service packs have a new name – Updates. Although the naming is different, the idea is the same – you have the main release and you get the updates for free. So the only thing you need to do is just download the new version. Next, finish the install and you have access to a completely new set of features!

So what’s new

In this article, we will take a look at the major new features in the first update of V-Ray Next for SketchUp. We will focus on the latest updates but as well mention a few key ones from the major release, which was V-Ray Next.


Screenshot of Chaosgroup website home page.


The first thing a user notices is the updated V-Ray Asset editor. It has a new approach to providing direct visualization. And tips for almost everything, as well as dedicated sections for Render Elements and Textures. Although a bit hard to get used to in the beginning, the interface becomes easier to navigate with practice. With V-Ray Next for SketchUp Update 1, the new addition to the UI is the Color Temperature in the Color Picker.


SketchUp Pro Untitled document with opened VRay Asset Editor and Color Picker.


This might seem like a small change, but is a highly useful one when it comes to setting White Balance and color temperature for lights. Architects and interior designers will find this as a very big time saver and most importantly – an easy way to adjust light based on photographic approaches.

UI Advancement

Another UI advancement based on user demand is the fast switch of the Denoiser, including a picker between Nvidia AI Denoiser and V-Ray Denoiser. This only shows how much the workflow has been affected by the denoising technology and how much of a time saver it is. A great way of exploring this is switching the NVidia AI denoiser on when you are in interactive (IPR) rendering. And on top of that – the latest release – V-Ray for SketchUp Next Update 1 has additional speed optimizations when it comes to IPR so the results are faster than ever.


SketchUp Pro document with opened V-Ray Asset Editor and V-Ray frame buffer.

Post-Production Features

Then, Update 1 comes with a few extra special updates when it comes to post-production after the render is done. Over the years the V-Ray Frame Buffer (VFB) has become better and better when it comes to color correcting and additional elements in V-Ray itself, without the use of a 3rd party software. With V-Ray, Next Update One there come a few great additions to the lens panel options including the possibility to add Dust and Scratches as a post effect directly in the VFB.


SketchUp Pro document with opened V-Ray Asset Editor and adjusting Rectangle Light.


This is a great addition to the family as it allows you to create accurate lens effects directly, even in interactive render and with the Nvidia Denoiser on!

To those of you who still prefer to do post-production in additional software, with V-Ray Next update 1 there comes the support for Cryptimatte. Although a bit advanced, this render element allows you to get automatic IDs and use them in post for fast and easy masking.


SketchUp Pro document with opened V-Ray Asset Editor and Render Parameters adjusting Noise.

Head in the Clouds

And at the end of the day, if you want to save some time in the final render as well – you can always take advantage of V-Ray Cloud. Which is not a new feature per se. However, it is a great feature for sure. Using the V-Ray cloud allows you to send your renders with just one click to your Chaos Cloud account. Here you can render in high quality and resolution them without having to invest in your own render farm. If you have not – check V-Ray Cloud. It is a lifesaver.


Screenshot of opened Chaosgroup Cloud website.


Finally, V-Ray Next Update 1 is a great addition to the Next pipeline. It gives you more speed when look-developing the image and even more powerful when finishing the whole render.
It’s even more seamlessly integrated with SketchUp than previous versions. Which shows how Chaos Group develops the connection with every new release, listening to their users. 

Go check it now! 

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Author: Kalina Panteleeva



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